Free  imperial  Treasure

Free Imperial Treasure for Members

To receive free Imperial Rewards, just become a member of Emperor Qin’s Empowerment Club.

Submit your e-mail address below so we can send your Imperial Gifts and inform you of developments with the Emperor Qin book series & its related Empowerment Place website. That’s it!

There’s no obligation to buy or do anything. Of course, we hope you’ll read the books and use the website to grow and meet lots of other members seeking similar types of psychic & spiritual empowerment. We believe when you read the books, you’ll want to read more of them—and to spread the word.

When we receive your membership request, we’ll send you your Rewards…because…then we’ll know where to send them. Then, other free items and news will follow from time to time.

Enjoy your Imperial Gifts--you deserve them…and there’s plenty more where they came from. Remember, the Emperor generously rewards those who help him achieve his Mission to empower all the people of this World.

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